Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer's end


Started "Teacher Week" on Monday....  So sad....  Well, at least I don't have any freshmen classes this year, which eliminates the strongest possibility of a horrible year.  Our fearless leader decided a couple years ago that it would be more "fair" to make as many teachers travel from room to room on carts as possible, rather than trying to get as many teachers into their own room as possible.  There was such an uproar that he petulantly agreed to mess with the rooms only when the occupant left the building (retired, switched schools, etc.).  So when I saw that he had switched me out of my room for one hour each day, I was most unhappy!  I suggested to the teacher who was scheduled to be in my room that hour that she go to the other room down the hall, and leave me alone!  I was  a bit more tactful than that, and she was agreeable.  I haven't heard anything from the powers that be so I assume that's the way it'll be.  To have me switch rooms for one class period, just to make things "more fair" - how stupid is that?  Let's maximize the chaos in the building!  That'll help student achievement!  Gawd...

This is another straw on my back as I weigh the pros and cons of retiring this spring.  With the early retirement bonus plus the payment for unused sick and personal days, I could leave with over $10K of extra money.  AND, I wouldn't have to worry about all the new BS initiatives coming down the line in public education.  (No one ever seems to acknowledge how vital the role of parents is in creating a good student who takes ownership of their education!)  Anyway, I have lots of number crunching to do before I make a final and irrevocable decision about retiring this spring, but it sure is tempting!  Too bad I can't do it now - there's a full-time math opening at the Shakopee high school, about 25 minutes away.   Sigh.  I don't expect to retire retire - just stop with the hour commute to St. Paul.  Well, we'll see.

Bunny update:  the babies are doing well and getting noticeably bigger.  When I lift the BPU to check on them, they get into kind of a squirmy panic, so I don't want to do it too often.  I think what'll happen is I'll check on them one day and find the nest empty.  They'll be out in the world, on their own.  I think they're close to that point now.  Once their ears stand up rather than lay flat against their bodies, they're ready to be on their own.  They still seem so small, though!  Such a defenseless little creature...

I've refilled the bird feeders and crossed my fingers.  It may be too early, but I think I'll just sanitize the feeders every weekend.  As they get ready for migration, I want to provide a good source of high energy food.  Gotta get those birdy bods all plumped up, dontcha know!

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