Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hay there!

After reading all the press about the drought across the Midwest (and experiencing it to a lesser degree around here), we got a bit worried about the winter hay supply for the horses.  A friend was picking up 200 bales for her horses and saw a semi truck from Texas loading up for the trip back!  We bought 2 big bales this weekend and will get two more next weekend.
Two big bales on the trailer

The big bales are about 8 feet long, 3 feet high and 3 feet wide, so they're pretty big.
Long forks on the tractor spear & lift the bale
Fred loaded them onto our little trailer, then used the tractor to pick up one at a time to take into the barn.

Coming through the barn

We set up a storage area in the arena and will stack the big bales there.  Hate having hay in the arena. but having hungry horses would be much worse!

How much more work it would all be without the tractor and engine power!

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