I never thought I'd be trying catch a hummingbird! One flew into the open garage yesterday, then couldn't figure out how to get out! It kept bumping against the ceiling in a futile attempt to fly up - their normal behavior. Not being like bats, even the open doors didn't draw it. We closed the big door - it kept flying above the door, not down through it, then tried to get it out the smaller access door. It was both comical and tragic, as Fred and I staggered around the garage, waving snowshoes in the air (we didn't have tennis rackets or a net!), trying to herd the tiny thing towards the door. (Just try holding a full-sized, old-fashioned snowshoe above your head at arm's length and control it while waving at a hummingbird!) Fred eventually just stood on the car and tried to toss a light towel over the bird as it hovered near the ceiling. He got it once, but it squirted out when he tried to hand it to me. The second time, 10 minutes later, he got it captured, and I scrambled through the door with it while it squeaked frantically. Man! Poor thing must have been exhausted as well as traumatized, but it seemed to fly off with no trouble. Gawd....
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